Body Language
We listen to what your body is saying.
At ScaleDown MD our doctor sits face to face with you to understand your goals and ensure that you follow a medically sound regimen. ScaleDown MD is not a medically “supervised” weight loss program--we are medically OPERATED. Patients are seen, examined, and treated at each appointment by a board certified physician who prescribes FDA approved medications and natural therapies to help in your weight loss process.
Put Your Life In Proportion
One size does not fit all.
Factors such as current weight, metabolism, activity level, and medical history are critical in determining the right weight loss program for each individual. By tracking and monitoring this data and your ongoing progress through weekly visits and interactive support we actively adjust your program to assure continued success.
Don't Just Lose Weight, Live Healthy
Our lifestyle affects our body and health.
Our mission at ScaleDown MD is to monitor, educate, and promote healthy living both in our clients and the community. We will guide and train you on all aspects of a healthier you and monitor your progress and medical impacts to your body along the way.